From now on, you will stream online videos on Facebook’s news feed in HTML5, by default, on all browsers. It will also work on embedded video players on Facebook and Facebook Pages. It supported only in iPads and iPhones. Because HTML5 is outperforming, Facebook considered it for other mobile browsers. Despite switching to HTML5, Facebook has had several challenges to keep it making a total switch from Flash on all platforms. A lot of browsers support HTML5 for video streaming. But in practical, Daiel Baulig, Facebook Engineer, noticed that lots of older browsers perform worse with HTML5 player than with Flash player. A lot of errors have been seen with longer loading times.

Facebook Switches to HTML5 from Flash for Video Playback

So, they waited for some time to ship HTML5 player, by default, on all browsers. However, the company will keep using Flash in games. Adobe has officially announced that it’s working on HTML5 player. It would resolve all the browser bugs. Sachin Saxena Featured News Technology From now on, you will stream online videos on Facebook’s news feed in HTML5, by default, on all browsers. It will also work on embedded video players on Facebook and Facebook Pages. It supported only in iPads and iPhones. Because HTML5 is outperforming, Facebook considered it for other mobile... The tech Mag